MPW-1000 Parts Washer Detergent

For Use In Manual Parts Washers and Aqueous Parts Sinks

MPW-1000 is a readily biodegradable, moderate pH, water-based detergent formulated for use in manual parts washers and aqueous parts sinks. It removes greases, oils and grime, and can be used on most surfaces, including steel, stainless steel, brass, aluminum, copper and plastics. This detergent has a pleasant citrus odor.
NON-CAUSTIC – Protects your parts washer
CONCENTRATED – Light Cleaning: 12 oz / gallon, Medium Cleaning: 18 oz / gallon, Heavy Cleaning: 24 oz / gallon
BIODEGRADABLE / PHOSPHATE-FREE – Makes wastewater disposal more acceptable
FAST ACTING – Butyl-based blend engineered to cut grease and suspend oils quickly
COMPETITIVELY PRICED – Excellent value and economical cost per gallon
CORROSION INHIBITORS – Extra inhibitors provide added protection against flash rusting
LOW-FOAM – Low-foaming surfactants for ease of use

8.905-727.05 Gal

Best to Remove:

  • Paint
  • Burnt Hydrocarbons
  • Scale
  • Varnish
  • Carbon
  • Mastic
  • Rubber

Applications Include:

  • Diesel Engines
  • Aerospace Components
  • Aluminum Automobile Engine Parts
  • Rolling mill equipment

FormulationA fully biodegradable, phosphatefree, moderate pH, water-based detergent formulated for use in manual parts washers and aqueous parts sinks. It removes greases, oils and grime; safe on most surfaces.
BiodegradabilityFully biodegradable, phosphate-free
pH at 5%9.2 - 10.2
Foaming ActionLow-foaming
Dilution RatioLight Cleansing - 12 oz per gallon
Medium Cleansing - 18 oz per gallon
Heavy Cleaning - 24 oz per gallon
ColorClear liquid
CorrosionMPW-1000 detergent contains a corrosion inhibitor to protect against corrosion and flash rusting
Product SafetyOSHA / WHMIS / GHS compliant Safety Data Sheet (SDS) available
Smog & OzoneThis product does not contain photochemically reactive ingredients that contribute to smog problems or attack the Earth’s ozone layer
ContainersAvailable in 5-gallon containers

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